کدایگنایتر درphpstrom

نحوه پشتیبانی phpstrome در کدایگنایتر

همانگونه که می دانیم phpstrom قوی ترین محیط برنامه نویسی php می باشد و کدایگنایتر یکی از قوی ترین و محبوب ترین فریم ورکهای php می باشد که به صورت پیش فرض قسمت تکمیل کد آن  در phpstrom پشتیبانی نمی شود .در واقع قسمتی که هنگام نوشتن کدها در phpstrom باعث می شود که ادامه کدها به ما پیشنهاد شود .

با مراحل زیر به راحتی می توانیم این قابلیت را به phpstrom خود بیفزارییم.

  1. فایلی به نام phpstorm.php در شاخه اصلی برنامه بسازید و محتوای زیر را در آن بگزارید.(در کنار index.php)
  2. به پوشه system/core/ رفته و بروی Controller.php و Model.php کلیک راست کرده و گزینه set Mark as Plain Text را بزنید.

اکنون تنظیمات شما به اتمام رسیده است و همانگونه که در تصویر زیر می بینید متدها به راحتی به شما پیشنهاد داده می شود.

تصویر دمو :

فایل phpstorm.php :

die('This file is used for development purposes only.');
 * PhpStorm Code Completion to CodeIgniter + HMVC
 * @package       CodeIgniter
 * @subpackage    PhpStorm
 * @category      Code Completion
 * @version       3.1.4
 * @author        Natan Felles
 * @link          http://github.com/natanfelles/codeigniter-phpstorm
 * To enable code completion to your own libraries add a line above each class as follows:
 * @property Library_name       $library_name                        Library description
 * @property CI_Benchmark        $benchmark                           This class enables you to mark points and calculate the time difference between them. Memory consumption can also be displayed.
 * @property CI_Calendar         $calendar                            This class enables the creation of calendars
 * @property CI_Cache            $cache                               Caching Class
 * @property CI_Cart             $cart                                Shopping Cart Class
 * @property CI_Config           $config                              This class contains functions that enable config files to be managed
 * @property CI_Controller       $controller                          This class object is the super class that every library in CodeIgniter will be assigned to
 * @property CI_DB_forge         $dbforge                             Database Forge Class
 * @property CI_DB_mysql_driver|CI_DB_query_builder $db                                  This is the platform-independent base Query Builder implementation class
 * @property CI_DB_utility       $dbutil                              Database Utility Class
 * @property CI_Driver_Library   $driver                              Driver Library Class
 * @property CI_Email            $email                               Permits email to be sent using Mail, Sendmail, or SMTP
 * @property CI_Encrypt          $encrypt                             Provides two-way keyed encoding using Mcrypt
 * @property CI_Encryption       $encryption                          Provides two-way keyed encryption via PHP's MCrypt and/or OpenSSL extensions
 * @property CI_Exceptions       $exceptions                          Exceptions Class
 * @property CI_Form_validation  $form_validation                     Form Validation Class
 * @property CI_FTP              $ftp                                 FTP Class
 * @property CI_Hooks            $hooks                               Provides a mechanism to extend the base system without hacking
 * @property CI_Image_lib        $image_lib                           Image Manipulation class
 * @property CI_Input            $input                               Pre-processes global input data for security
 * @property CI_Javascript       $javascript                          Javascript Class
 * @property CI_Jquery           $jquery                              Jquery Class
 * @property CI_Lang             $lang                                Language Class
 * @property CI_Loader           $load                                Loads framework components
 * @property CI_Log              $log                                 Logging Class
 * @property CI_Migration        $migration                           All migrations should implement this, forces up() and down() and gives access to the CI super-global
 * @property CI_Model            $model                               CodeIgniter Model Class
 * @property CI_Output           $output                              Responsible for sending final output to the browser
 * @property CI_Pagination       $pagination                          Pagination Class
 * @property CI_Parser           $parser                              Parser Class
 * @property CI_Profiler         $profiler                            This class enables you to display benchmark, query, and other data in order to help with debugging and optimization.
 * @property CI_Router           $router                              Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_Security         $security                            Security Class
 * @property CI_Session          $session                             Session Class
 * @property CI_Table            $table                               Lets you create tables manually or from database result objects, or arrays
 * @property CI_Trackback        $trackback                           Trackback Sending/Receiving Class
 * @property CI_Typography       $typography                          Typography Class
 * @property CI_Unit_test        $unit                                Simple testing class
 * @property CI_Upload           $upload                              File Uploading Class
 * @property CI_URI              $uri                                 Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_User_agent       $agent                               Identifies the platform, browser, robot, or mobile device of the browsing agent
 * @property CI_Xmlrpc           $xmlrpc                              XML-RPC request handler class
 * @property CI_Xmlrpcs          $xmlrpcs                             XML-RPC server class
 * @property CI_Zip              $zip                                 Zip Compression Class
 * @property CI_Utf8             $utf8                                Provides support for UTF-8 environments
 * @property Ispconfig           $ispconfig                           This class enables you to use the ISPConfig 3 Remote API
 * @property Boleto              $boleto                              Boleto Class
class CI_Controller {
	public function __construct()
 * @property CI_Benchmark        $benchmark                           This class enables you to mark points and calculate the time difference between them. Memory consumption can also be displayed.
 * @property CI_Calendar         $calendar                            This class enables the creation of calendars
 * @property CI_Cache            $cache                               Caching Class
 * @property CI_Cart             $cart                                Shopping Cart Class
 * @property CI_Config           $config                              This class contains functions that enable config files to be managed
 * @property CI_Controller       $controller                          This class object is the super class that every library in CodeIgniter will be assigned to
 * @property CI_DB_forge         $dbforge                             Database Forge Class
 * @property CI_DB_mysql_driver|CI_DB_query_builder $db                                  This is the platform-independent base Query Builder implementation class
 * @property CI_DB_utility       $dbutil                              Database Utility Class
 * @property CI_Driver_Library   $driver                              Driver Library Class
 * @property CI_Email            $email                               Permits email to be sent using Mail, Sendmail, or SMTP
 * @property CI_Encrypt          $encrypt                             Provides two-way keyed encoding using Mcrypt
 * @property CI_Encryption       $encryption                          Provides two-way keyed encryption via PHP's MCrypt and/or OpenSSL extensions
 * @property CI_Exceptions       $exceptions                          Exceptions Class
 * @property CI_Form_validation  $form_validation                     Form Validation Class
 * @property CI_FTP              $ftp                                 FTP Class
 * @property CI_Hooks            $hooks                               Provides a mechanism to extend the base system without hacking
 * @property CI_Image_lib        $image_lib                           Image Manipulation class
 * @property CI_Input            $input                               Pre-processes global input data for security
 * @property CI_Javascript       $javascript                          Javascript Class
 * @property CI_Jquery           $jquery                              Jquery Class
 * @property CI_Lang             $lang                                Language Class
 * @property CI_Loader           $load                                Loads framework components
 * @property CI_Log              $log                                 Logging Class
 * @property CI_Migration        $migration                           All migrations should implement this, forces up() and down() and gives access to the CI super-global
 * @property CI_Model            $model                               CodeIgniter Model Class
 * @property CI_Output           $output                              Responsible for sending final output to the browser
 * @property CI_Pagination       $pagination                          Pagination Class
 * @property CI_Parser           $parser                              Parser Class
 * @property CI_Profiler         $profiler                            This class enables you to display benchmark, query, and other data in order to help with debugging and optimization.
 * @property CI_Router           $router                              Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_Security         $security                            Security Class
 * @property CI_Session          $session                             Session Class
 * @property CI_Table            $table                               Lets you create tables manually or from database result objects, or arrays
 * @property CI_Trackback        $trackback                           Trackback Sending/Receiving Class
 * @property CI_Typography       $typography                          Typography Class
 * @property CI_Unit_test        $unit                                Simple testing class
 * @property CI_Upload           $upload                              File Uploading Class
 * @property CI_URI              $uri                                 Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_User_agent       $agent                               Identifies the platform, browser, robot, or mobile device of the browsing agent
 * @property CI_Xmlrpc           $xmlrpc                              XML-RPC request handler class
 * @property CI_Xmlrpcs          $xmlrpcs                             XML-RPC server class
 * @property CI_Zip              $zip                                 Zip Compression Class
 * @property CI_Utf8             $utf8                                Provides support for UTF-8 environments
class CI_Model {
	public function __construct()
 * @property CI_Benchmark        $benchmark                           This class enables you to mark points and calculate the time difference between them. Memory consumption can also be displayed.
 * @property CI_Calendar         $calendar                            This class enables the creation of calendars
 * @property CI_Cache            $cache                               Caching Class
 * @property CI_Cart             $cart                                Shopping Cart Class
 * @property CI_Config           $config                              This class contains functions that enable config files to be managed
 * @property CI_Controller       $controller                          This class object is the super class that every library in CodeIgniter will be assigned to
 * @property CI_DB_forge         $dbforge                             Database Forge Class
 * @property CI_DB_mysql_driver|CI_DB_query_builder $db                                  This is the platform-independent base Query Builder implementation class
 * @property CI_DB_utility       $dbutil                              Database Utility Class
 * @property CI_Driver_Library   $driver                              Driver Library Class
 * @property CI_Email            $email                               Permits email to be sent using Mail, Sendmail, or SMTP
 * @property CI_Encrypt          $encrypt                             Provides two-way keyed encoding using Mcrypt
 * @property CI_Encryption       $encryption                          Provides two-way keyed encryption via PHP's MCrypt and/or OpenSSL extensions
 * @property CI_Exceptions       $exceptions                          Exceptions Class
 * @property CI_Form_validation  $form_validation                     Form Validation Class
 * @property CI_FTP              $ftp                                 FTP Class
 * @property CI_Hooks            $hooks                               Provides a mechanism to extend the base system without hacking
 * @property CI_Image_lib        $image_lib                           Image Manipulation class
 * @property CI_Input            $input                               Pre-processes global input data for security
 * @property CI_Javascript       $javascript                          Javascript Class
 * @property CI_Jquery           $jquery                              Jquery Class
 * @property CI_Lang             $lang                                Language Class
 * @property CI_Loader           $load                                Loads framework components
 * @property CI_Log              $log                                 Logging Class
 * @property CI_Migration        $migration                           All migrations should implement this, forces up() and down() and gives access to the CI super-global
 * @property CI_Model            $model                               CodeIgniter Model Class
 * @property CI_Output           $output                              Responsible for sending final output to the browser
 * @property CI_Pagination       $pagination                          Pagination Class
 * @property CI_Parser           $parser                              Parser Class
 * @property CI_Profiler         $profiler                            This class enables you to display benchmark, query, and other data in order to help with debugging and optimization.
 * @property CI_Router           $router                              Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_Security         $security                            Security Class
 * @property CI_Session          $session                             Session Class
 * @property CI_Table            $table                               Lets you create tables manually or from database result objects, or arrays
 * @property CI_Trackback        $trackback                           Trackback Sending/Receiving Class
 * @property CI_Typography       $typography                          Typography Class
 * @property CI_Unit_test        $unit                                Simple testing class
 * @property CI_Upload           $upload                              File Uploading Class
 * @property CI_URI              $uri                                 Parses URIs and determines routing
 * @property CI_User_agent       $agent                               Identifies the platform, browser, robot, or mobile device of the browsing agent
 * @property CI_Xmlrpc           $xmlrpc                              XML-RPC request handler class
 * @property CI_Xmlrpcs          $xmlrpcs                             XML-RPC server class
 * @property CI_Zip              $zip                                 Zip Compression Class
 * @property CI_Utf8             $utf8                                Provides support for UTF-8 environments
class MX_Controller {
	public function __construct()

منبع :

پیشنهاد پیرو برای شما :   فونت کاتلین
